Inktober · Sketches

Inktober 2017: Day 31

#Inktober Day 31:

We found this hilarious hipster costume for my dog this Halloween, so here’s a drawing of my hipster dog making artisanal Halloween biscuits.

That concludes my 4th Inktober! It was a nice change of pace to see my newsfeed filled with people’s Inktober drawings instead of the usual heavy-handed political post. “Create over consume” are words I try to live by, and it always makes me happy to see people creating new things whether it’s art,

photography, comics, programs, games, clothing, furniture, cakes, quilts,

clothing, cakes, words, you name it! Keep on creating, friends!

Inktober · Sketches

Inktober 2016: Day 2

#Inktober2016 Day 2: Today’s the last day of my sabbatical. One of my proudest accomplishments this break was staining the deck with my husband, thus completing the renovation of our deck. We rebuilt the upper deck with my in-laws’ help 2 years ago and then rebuilt the missing sections of the lower deck last year. It’s kinda silly to be so excited about a renovated deck, but its timeline ran parallel with some of the most difficult moments in both my husband and my lives. Finally completing the deck feels like completing a chapter for us. 

So here’s to new beginnings and an improved sun spot for our dog!