Illustration Friday

IF: Legendary

Working on the computer all day makes me miss sketching immensely, which is why I am going to try to participate again in Illustration Friday.

For the topic, “Legendary”, I decided to go a more literal route with a David/Goliath theme. I love stories where the heroes, regardless of how impossible their obstacle, still choose to face it. As Sam told Frodo in The Two Towers, “Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t.”

I used a brush pen along with some markers. As you can tell, I’m pretty rusty. Hopefully with more practice, I can back into it. Oh, and can you tell I love Shadow of the Colossus? 😉


  1. Hey! Glad you’re back. I also need to get back into sketching now that I’m emerging from thesis land. I’ve been trying to get back on the IF track too, but I’ve been patchy. I love this drawing, the angle and the line quality. My only suggestion would be to either darken the groin and lower torso of Goliath where David’s head ends, or just drop a thicker line behind David’s hair. That way he can POP more. 🙂 The details are beautiful. Great close up of the rock builds anticipation.

  2. DOesn’t look rusty to me. GREAT composition and technique. It’s so full of tension, and there’s David’s hand with the rock prominent in the picture (I need to learn how to do that–emphasize the important things while still having the whole composition work).

  3. If that’s what you call rusty then look out world for when you think it turned out good. I love the perspective on your illustration. Your detail is excellent as well as the shadowing that is painted in. Love it.

  4. Hey everyone, thanks for all the very sweet comments!

    Meagan, you’re totally right about creating more visual separation between the two. Thanks! Glad to hear your thesis finished. Welcome back! 😀

  5. You don’t seem rusty at all! This is fantastic. Love that strong, angular composition. And the tiki-ish design of the big guy is just awesome.

  6. Nice illustration! I love the angle. The birds are a nice touch too. It makes that dude look even taller.

    And I know what you mean about always being on the computer. Until last weekend I hadn’t sat down with a pencil and paper to draw in probably a year. I don’t know if this digital art is doing to me, but it felt so weird to actually draw on paper again.

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