Sketches · Urban Sketches

Dancing Santas

The day after Christmas, my family and I went to NYC to watch the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. The Rockettes are great and all, but I was completely mesmerized by the dancing Santas. I loved how hefty yet agile they were with their little boots and round bellies.

While we were watching, I whipped out my Galaxy Note 5 and did some quick gestures during their dance number with the Action Memo app + my stylus. (We were allowed to use our phones in the theater as long as there wasn’t flash.)

They’re pretty crude, but it was enough to flesh out later when I returned to WA. I pulled out my phone again to look at those gestures and with some quick photo reference of the clothing, I was able to make the final sketch with watercolor. The poses with the red arrows are the ones I used for that sketch.

I continue to be amazed by the Note 5. I love that I can take visual notes/gestures and use those to further explore an idea or use later for a character without feeling obligated to make it look true-to-life. I’m learning that it’s more important to capture what you want of the pose, whatever you find appealing to you, as opposed to being 100% accurate. It took me so long to understand this concept of extrapolation from the Schoolism gesture drawing class I took awhile back, but it’s finally starting to click.


FlipaClip test drive

Did this bouncing ball test on an amazing animation app called FlipaClip for my Samsung Galaxy Note 5. It has the right amount of controls to do quick pencil tests on the go, without bogging you down with too much complexity. The app also appears to be regularly updated too. Highly recommended!


Testing out my new phone

Gesture drawings of some T-mobile employees drawn on my cell phone. I upgraded my phone to a Galaxy Note 5, and oh my goodness, I’m in love. The stylus uses a Wacom digitizer and has enough resistance it feels nice to draw with. ArtRage is also a great, intuitive art app when on-the-go.

I was that nerdy kid that always wanted a Palm Pilot. This phone not only fulfills that childhood wish, but is an amazing mini-sketchbook to boot!