Comics · Inktober

Inktober 2018: Day 4

#Inktober Day 4: My dad grew up with 3 sisters and then had 3 daughters…needless to say, he’s been surrounded by women his entire life. He’s always been a very mellow guy, but now that my sisters and I are grown adults, he’s definitely started speaking his mind more.


Inktober · Sketches

Inktober 2017: Day 17

#Inktober Day 17: My cousin, Nat, requested 2 baby t-rexes fighting over a toy so here it is! As I drew this, I’m reminded of my Mom who had to work 12 hr. night shifts at the hospital as a nurse, only to come home in the morning to make sure my sisters and I made it to school, were fed, and went to all our after school activities. My cousins and I all had moms who worked (usually in medicine) while raising us, and I have nothing but admiration to them.

Inktober · Sketches

Inktober 2016: Day 1

When we were visiting a salmon hatchery, we spotted a fish out of water: a coho salmon leaped out of the water tank and was slowly suffocating on dry land. Unable to find help, my youngest sister hopped the fence, picked up the salmon, and threw it back over the wall into the water tank. 

So to kick off #Inktober , here’s a drawing of my sister, the Salmon Savior. 😀


Home Sweet Home

I drew my family’s house, my childhood home, for my mom for Mother’s Day. It reminded me of some gift art my 7-year-old self drew for another occasion… It’s still hanging up in the bedroom my two sisters and I shared as kids!

It’s neat to see what sort of details I noticed as a kid. The garbage bins (screen left side of garage) and drain pipes were so important to me! I remember hearing the empty bins scraping along the concrete as my dad brought them in after garbage day; that’s how I knew he was home.

As I was drawing my family home as my 31 year old self, I noted particularly the landscaping. My mom assigned me the chore of watering the plants during summer breaks when I was a kid. I remember how time consuming it was, but never appreciated it as much as I do now. Maybe it’s because Karl and I are in the middle of redoing our own front yard…but I can’t stop admiring the hard work my mom put into planting and maintaining her flowers.

It’s amazing how perspective can change over 24 years. Here’s hoping that Karl and I can make a home as inviting as the ones we grew up in!

Inktober · Sketches

Inktober 2014: Day 9

#Inktober, Day 9: My cousin’s oldest daughter turned 7 today. Tessa is such a caring kid, especially towards her three other siblings. She’s always looking out for the youngest, who was just born this year. Plus, she loves art! Can’t go wrong with that! Happy Birthday, Tessa! 🙂

Inktober · Sketches

Inktober 2014: Day 6

#Inktober, Day 6: My husband and I were out for breakfast in Seattle when I saw this adorable kid, who was carrying a small bin of Pokemon cards, come into the cafe with his mom. I loved how the two genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. The mother listened so intently to what her son had to say.

It reminded me of how my mom listened to every. single. thing I told her. I’m sure she didn’t know what I was always talking about (M:TG? FFVII? Sailor Moon?), but I appreciated her effort.

Thanks for always listening, Mom!