
Life changes, book release, and more!

Greetings blog!

It’s been a long time since I’ve written here. For the past several years, I’ve been using Tumblr, but I lost interest in posting there, especially after the underhanded censorship they’ve applied to one of my art posts even though there was nothing explicit about it (i.e. censoring my post about my grandmother’s passing).

I spent the past month migrating all Tumblr art posts over to this blog, so the housekeeping is now complete! While I keep a Twitter and an Instagram, I’ve been wanting to get back to writing longer format posts where I can talk about process, inspiration, materials, and so forth.

Here are some things over the past 7 years that have happened between this blog’s last update and now:

  • My husband and I bought a house.
  • We adopted a dog.
  • My husband lost his job twice. I lost my job twice. Then I changed jobs…
  • …to this amazing li’l studio called V1 Interactive where for the past few years I have been animating on Disintegration, which will be out in 2020.
  • Then I had a baby.
  • Then my art book was released.

Now that you’re all caught up, here’s a flip-through of my book, “Pursuit”, published by Read Furiously! It collects my art throughout those 7 years including the Inktobers, sketches, and comics that I’ve drawn. I added a few new comics, along with commentary to accompany those images. You can pick it up via my publisher’s site, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever books are sold!
