Inktober · Sketches

Inktober 2014: Day 11

#Inktober, Day 11: This is a bit of a cheat. I did the pencil sketch yesterday while my husband and I were having lunch at this wonderful little shop in the Green Lake neighborhood of Seattle called, “The Butcher and the Baker”. I did the inks today so I’m counting it!

Anyway, this place was SO delicious. You can tell there was a lot of care in their dishes and their meats. Highly recommended!

Inktober · Sketches

Inktober 2014: Day 10

#Inktober, Day 10 (yesterday): My husband and I went to the Woodland Park Zoo yesterday, and I thought it’d be a great chance to get some animal sketching in. My favorite part was hearing all the conversations going on while I drew:

– Both kids and adults were shocked by the tapier’s look and size. Popular kid guesses: “Cow!” “Panda bear!” “Bear?” “Warthog?”

– Another conversation, in one of the many monkey exhibits: 

Boy: That monkey’s eating broccoli! At least, he eats his vegetables. He likes broccoli, but I don’t. How can he be my brother?

Mom: I wish you would stop saying that. He’s not your brother.

Boy: But didn’t we come from monkeys?

Inktober · Sketches

Inktober 2014: Day 9

#Inktober, Day 9: My cousin’s oldest daughter turned 7 today. Tessa is such a caring kid, especially towards her three other siblings. She’s always looking out for the youngest, who was just born this year. Plus, she loves art! Can’t go wrong with that! Happy Birthday, Tessa! 🙂

Comics · Inktober

Inktober 2014: Day 7

#Inktober, Day 7 (late, sorry!): We picked up the new Alien game for PS4 last night. Everyone voted for me to play it since I am the jumpiest person. Now all I see are aliens.

Also, I apologize if the Alien is inaccurate because I couldn’t stand looking at pictures of them for reference.