
New and Shiny

Another update, this time a lot sooner than 7 years! I have recently left V1 Interactive for another adventure to start soon. While I’m in-between jobs, I figured it’d be a good time to do some virtual housekeeping and straighten out my portfolio site.

  • I updated my demo reel with my work from Disintegration, our game that shipped this year (during a pandemic…!)
  • I made a Disintegration page that goes into further detail about what I did there with more animations/cinematics from that project
  • I reorganized the Artwork section, added more recent artwork, 2d animations, and comics
  • I also started a journal webcomic that begins when I was pregnant with my son

For very personal reasons, it’s been an incredibly challenging year for me, but taking stock, looking at everything I’ve made, and curating it into this little space of mine on the Internet reminded me of the healing nature of making art and sharing those experiences with others. I hope you can find solace in creating something for yourself as well, and if you want, please share it with me! I’d love to see it!

Stay safe and, as someone very wise once wrote, stay hopeful!


Life changes, book release, and more!

Greetings blog!

It’s been a long time since I’ve written here. For the past several years, I’ve been using Tumblr, but I lost interest in posting there, especially after the underhanded censorship they’ve applied to one of my art posts even though there was nothing explicit about it (i.e. censoring my post about my grandmother’s passing).

I spent the past month migrating all Tumblr art posts over to this blog, so the housekeeping is now complete! While I keep a Twitter and an Instagram, I’ve been wanting to get back to writing longer format posts where I can talk about process, inspiration, materials, and so forth.

Here are some things over the past 7 years that have happened between this blog’s last update and now:

  • My husband and I bought a house.
  • We adopted a dog.
  • My husband lost his job twice. I lost my job twice. Then I changed jobs…
  • …to this amazing li’l studio called V1 Interactive where for the past few years I have been animating on Disintegration, which will be out in 2020.
  • Then I had a baby.
  • Then my art book was released.

Now that you’re all caught up, here’s a flip-through of my book, “Pursuit”, published by Read Furiously! It collects my art throughout those 7 years including the Inktobers, sketches, and comics that I’ve drawn. I added a few new comics, along with commentary to accompany those images. You can pick it up via my publisher’s site, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever books are sold!


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim shipped!

The game I’ve been working on over the past 2 years, TESV: Skyrim, shipped this past Friday. I’m overwhelmed from all the positive reception the game’s getting. Working on such an amazing project with the extremely talented people at Bethesda Game Studios was both a humbling and memorable experience. I’m so proud of all the hard work we’ve accomplished and consider myself lucky to be part of such a momentous project.

Once we get approval from management (currently, it’s not allowed), I’ll post up some of the animations I worked on for Skyrim. Until then, hope you enjoy the game!

Animation Mentor · Updates


As of last month, I officially completed Animation Mentor! I’ll be traveling to San Francisco this weekend to attend the AM Graduation ceremony, and that’s that! To celebrate, I decided to redo my website layout. The home page contains my latest animation, which are my shots from AM. I’ll probably post another reel with my game work once Skyrim ships.

And speaking of Skyrim: last month was an exciting one for our studio. We had a fantastic show at E3 (so I hear from my co-workers who went), and our game garnered top awards at E3: “Best Console Game” and “Best Role-playing Game”! Here is some footage of our game demo from the show:

Animation Mentor · Learning · Updates

Renders and summer

Leo over at CG Bootcamp was kind enough to do a very comprehensive tutorial on lighting and rendering with motion blur for me. Definitely check it out.

[qt:https://www.liannecruz.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/monkey123_render.mov 480 360]

Aaaand, that’s basically all I did this summer. I return from my leave of absence to begin Class 4 at AM next week.

I had so much planned with the large chunk of time freed from school, but I ended up not accomplishing much on the personal project side.

What I did accomplish:

  • Spent more time at the office to (hopefully) improve the quality of my work
  • Caught up on sleep (to make up for the all-nighters I’ve pulled during the past 9 months)
  • Spent time with friends and family
  • Consistently exercised (mountain biking)
  • Played videogames, read books, learned a piano piece or two without feeling the pressure that I need to be working on homework
  • And the biggest “accomplishment”, though it’s not mine to take credit: I am now engaged to the most patient and most loving guy in the world.

Ever since I relocated to my new workplace a year ago, it’s been nonstop animation work for me. While I was beating myself up a little over the summer for not accomplishing any personal projects, it was nice to take a breather and catch up on life. As the adage goes: “How can you animate life if you’re not living it?”

Back to work!


AM: Class 03! END!

[qt:https://www.liannecruz.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/LianneCruz_class123_reel.mov 480 360]

Wow! I can’t believe Class 3 is over. I’m officially halfway through the Animation Mentor program. Above a progress reel we had to make that covers our coursework over the past 3 classes. There’s still stuff I’d like to fix (and I’d also like to do a render test), but I’ll tackle them after I rest up. I’m taking a summer break from AM, but hope to start Class 4 in the fall. There’s a bunch of things I’d like to do during the break; I’ll be sure to post them as I make them.

Happy Summer! 😀


AM: Class 03! Weeks 1-2

I started Class 03 of AM: Advanced Body Mechanics. My mentor this term is animation master, Mike Walling, of Blue Sky (and Sony Imageworks and Dreamworks) fame. A long time ago, I found his fantastic tutorial on workflow (under the Docs! section) and learned so much from it. After having 2 Q & A sessions with him, I’m positive that I’m going to be learning exponentially this term. I’m very fortunate to have yet another super mentor. 😀

The coursework is very different this time around. Instead of having a list of options to choose from for our animations, we have to come up with it all on our own. Also, we have to decide whether the 3 animations we’re making this term will be unified under a theme (which is decided by us) or 3 separate motion tests. If you choose the theme, it will dictate how you animate. i.e. a ninja themed character will jump different than a ballerina type character. What’s most important though is that AM wants us to stress the physicality in each assignment and to avoid turning our shots into acting shots.

With that said, I decided to go with this:

[singlepic id=89 w=320 h=240 float=center]

What I love about monkeys is their agility and ability to flow through, around, and over trees. There’s this very natural rhythm as they move from branch to branch, and I wanted to attempt animating it. I also LOVED Tarzan, and how the Disney animators instilled that force, momentum, and flow in his movement. Hopefully, I won’t get sick of monkeys by the end of the term. 😉

Here’s some planning:

submit_sb_jungle01 submit_sb_jungle02

I have a huge tendency to over complicate my animations, so I decided this time around to keep my first assignment simple. Plus, this will help me balance my full-time job + school + life better. Our animation needed to be between 100-200 frames, and when I first blocked this out I was actually UNDER frames. A couple of my classmates pointed that I could add more pauses to the end to break up the fast paced rhythm at the beginning, so that helped me out a lot. Anyway, here’s my blocking!

[qt:https://www.liannecruz.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/SUBMIT_monkey_pt1_blocking.mov 480 360]